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Shawn P. Bennett

RP2 Shawn P. Bennett

6/28/86 – 3/30/16

Our son Shawn joined the Navy in his mid-20’s to change his life’s direction and so much more. He became a religious program specialist (RP) and worked hand in hand with his Chaplains. Shawn had huge heart along with a smile and laugh that was infectious and would draw you in. People loved to be around him, he considered everyone his best friend. He often said he was the glue that held his friends together which we replied crazy glue.

He developed a rapport with his Marines, Sailors, and Chaplains like no other Superior Officer has seen before. Whether you were depressed, scared or just lonely he had the ability to make you feel as if he was your best friend and he truly found his calling.

Shawn loved his Eagles, Sixers, and Phillies and when it came to music and his love of poetry that led him to Tupac and rap with a red bull in hand.

Shawn returned home on leave and got to reunite with family and friends after serving 3 ½ years in Okinawa Japan. We got to laugh, hug and tell stories about how he wanted to get married and have children. We asked him to be patient because God had a bigger plan for him and his future.

As it turned out God did have a bigger plan for our son Shawn when he was suddenly called back to Heaven on March 30, 2016 but not before leaving his vital organs to awaiting recipients.

We are so thankful a little piece of our beautiful son lives on in others and we ask them to live on for Shawn who was taken way too young.

Shawn we are so proud of you and miss you dearly.

Love, Mom and Dad