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Ralph DeFrancesco Jr.

June 2, 1959   – August 25, 2013

“I found love in my own  heart, I can see now”.

Cornea donor, his legacy carries on…..

I decided to donate Ralphs corneas since he was born with a vision challenge.  He went to a school for the blind as a young boy and the variety club camp which was instrumental in helping him prosper into the world.  He eventually had operations at the Scheie eye institute and his vision improved and he then was able to drive. He struggled and challenged himself  for many years with his vision; all he ever wanted was to have healthy eyes.

Ralph  worked for the Charter Palumbo school as chief  engineer in Philadelphia. He was instrumental in getting the City Church  group to use the space there on Sundays. They were very grateful of his kind efforts in working with the administration to make this Church happen. They dedicated the gymnasium in his name and designed   a plague that hangs over the entrance to the gym. We were so honored that they were touched by his efforts.

He also worked as a computer engineer.  One thing that Ralph really wanted was love. This was one area in his life where he was unhappy. He was so focused on being able to see the outside world that he never really looked in to connect to his own heart to his own power.   But I now know that since he has moved on he connected to the love in his heart, he finally found out where all the love was, just waiting for him to look inside with his own eyes. His eyes are only focused now in his heart, he finally can see fully and love deeply.

I am sure Ralph is grateful knowing that 2 recipients benefited because of his donation. I know he is resting because his legacy carried on.

Anita DeFrancesco

Ralph’s sister