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Christopher Weisgerber

Our son, Christopher Weisgerber, had the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. Ironically due to Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy that said heart eventually failed him. He was hospitalized and away from home for eighty days before he passed. For all those days my husband and I wore our Chris Crusaders Shirts in anticipation of the day he would come home. The shirts were made for a benefit that a dear friend had for Chris to help with the cost of an accessible van. He instead went to his home above the clouds.

When he was younger we had a conversation about organ donation and he asked what he could possibly donate due to his disease. I explained that organ donation included skin, cornea etc. He then said he wanted to be an organ donor and we honored his wish. His corneas as well as his heart valves were harvested. Two men have sight again because of him. That makes dealing with his loss a little bit better.

To quote another dear friend, “It’s customary to offer the departed prayers of rest and peace. I most certainly do hope you have found peace however you have rested long enough. I hope you dance and run my dear friend, FLY.”
