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John Padilioni

This quilt patch means so much more to our family, because it is interwoven in so much love, as we celebrate the life of our son, brother, grandson, nephew, and friend, John Preston aka “JEazy”. Our family of 8 is quite unique! Everyone has the letter “j” as their first initial in our names, James Sr.  Judith, James Jr. John, Jenna, Jeffery, Jeanette and Justin. So we call ourselves the “JP8” Crew!  John had JP8 tattooed on his body, as a token of love for all of us!

So, when given this opportunity to design a quilt patch for john, it was without hesitation that it would be “JP8”!! Our love and bond between the eight of us is so much stronger today, and every day since John’s home going with the Lord on Oct 1, 2017. Thank you Gift of Life for celebrating our loved ones today.


James Sr. Judith, James Jr. Jenna, Jeanette, Justin Padilioni