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‘Check that box’ – Families, recipients honor legacy of organ donors at Masonic Village

Article by Junior Gonzalez, Lancaster Online (LNP)

Drivers often pay little mind when they check off the box on their driver’s license form to become an organ donor.

Ellen Smoll, of Lancaster, certainly didn’t think about it before June 20, 2012.

That day, Smoll’s son, Evan Bunting, was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident. He died a month shy of his 21st birthday.

“I never realized how much goes into it,” she said, until she received a phone call from an organization called Gift of Life shortly thereafter.

People with the organization graciously asked Smoll if she would consent to donating her son’s organs.

Her answer, despite her consuming grief: “Yes, absolutely.”

That consequential response affected the lives of 75 people who have received some part of Evan, from his heart, lungs, cornea, skin, bones and more.

Read the full article here.

Consider saying YES to saving lives. Register to be an organ donor today.

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