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Matthew Kolb

Matthew’s Spirit lives on… when we do Random Acts of Kindness !

Matt was born Nov. 26 1979. He was so loved…a wonderful son and brother. He always made us smile! Everyone remembers Matt’s smile and his curly blonde hair! Matthew was just 19 when he died September 6, 1999 from an auto accident. Matt needed so much blood after his accident. Matt needed so much blood after his accident. We have a blood drive in his memory every year to help others.
Matt loved soccer. He was a 4 year varsity player of Stroudsburg High School & Stroudsburg United & we remember him dancing around on that field, moving the ball, and getting it to an open man! Matt also cheered for the basketball team as a “Mountie Maniac.” He was the best at getting the crowds to cheer at some very important end season games.
Matt always went out his way to treat others in kind and friendly manner. Many of his friends told us Matt would always help them and make them smile.
Matt loved hiking and backpacking with his best buddies! He loved hiking locally to Sunfish Pond and his last trip was to the Great Smokey Mountains. This is a quote I found in Matt’s room after he died and it says it all about him and how he lived…. “Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions. It is a mental attitude. It comes from appreciating what we have instead of being miserable about what we don’t have. It’s so simple… (anon)
Do acts of Kindness and remember Matt!

Two Worlds – One Family

We are so thankful for our Faith in Jesus Christ that connects us to you!
John 3:16