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Partnering with Gift of Life

Help Sign Up 50,000 More Organ Donors to Save More Lives

In honor of Gift of Life’s 50 years of saving lives, we have launched our “50,000 for 50” campaign to help register 50,000 more organ donors and provide hope to the thousands waiting for a transplant! As community partners, YOU are an essential part of this critically important effort to increase the donor registry and save more lives. We invite you to champion this important mission in your community with the resources provided in the following toolkit. This easy guide features information and action steps to enhance the overall health, vitality and productivity of our community.

Toolkit table of contents

Toolkit Overview

Take Action

Talking Points and Overall Campaign Messages

Social Media

Sample Blog Post or Newsletter Article

Sample Press Release

Essential Information

View and download toolkit

There are so many ways to partner with Gift of Life Donor Program to bring organ and tissue donor awareness to your organization. Learn more below about how you can get involved and become a community partner.

Get involved
  • Host a donor registration drive
    • Encourage everyone in your office, congregation, campus or community to save lives by registering as an organ and tissue donor! To learn more and set up a drive, contact the community outreach team at communityoutreach@donors1.org
  • Share the organ donor registration link
  • Request a speaker for your event
    • Interested in hosting an event to raise awareness for organ donation? Gift of Life staff, donor families and transplant recipients are available to speak! Request a speaker for your event.
  • Share the life-saving power of organ donation on social media
    • We have crafted sample social media posts you can share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more! Download sample posts!

We also encourage you to share the organ donor registration link with your employees and community partners. Sign up to become a donor today!

Join the many community organizations who support our mission to save and heal lives through organ and tissue donation.

Community programs
Learn more about our "It's About Life" grant program for faith-based organizations, service organizations and houses of worship.
Rev. Burton, liver transplant recipient and Bishop Rideout
“It’s About Life” Grants

Gift of Life partners with faith-based organizations, service organizations and houses of worship to increase organ and tissue donation education and registrations. Learn more about our “It’s About Life” grants and contact the community outreach team at communityoutreach@donors1.org.

View and download “It’s About Life” grant flyer

Students from George Washington H.S. with teacher and kidney transplant recipient, Andrea Seitchik
Students from George Washington H.S. with teacher and kidney transplant recipient, Andrea Seitchik
Schools Programs & Student Education

Gift of Life offers education programs to provide students and educators information about organ and tissue donation. High schools and colleges are encouraged to share information on organ and tissue donation with their students.

Find resources for high school educators.

Learn more the “Spirit For Life” school grant

Find more information for college involvement with Gift of Life.

Community Events & Health Fairs

Health fairs and other community events are the perfect place to promote organ and tissue donation. Gift of Life can provide educational materials for tabling events for the general public.

You can request a speaker and materials.

Annual Events & Observances

Annual events and observances are another opportunity to engage our community and raise awareness for the life-saving power of organ donation.

Find more information on that programming below:

For more information on any of the programming above, contact the Community Relations department at communityoutreach@donors1.org

Gift of Life Partners

Gift of Life Donor Program is proud to partner with the following organizations throughout our region.

Community Partners
Donor Dash Sponsors
Grant Providers
Health Partners
High Schools
Houses of Worship
“It’s About Life” Recent & Current Grantees
Media Partners
State Government Agencies