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#89- Szatkowski

Stacy Elizabeth Szatkowski was a young 30 years old at the time of her passing. During her short time of living life, she was always reaching out to help others, whether it be family or others that she came into contact on her journey. She also had a strong faith that she came to rely on often.

As her family, we were not surprised to learn that she was an organ donor. We had no idea of the process and the team of wonderful individuals from the Gift of Life that work hard everyday to help others to live their best lives. We are grateful to Stacy for being an organ donor and for the Gift of Life for keeping in touch with us. This helps to keep our fond memories of Stacy close to our hearts.

Stacy leaves behind a 6-year-old daughter, Charleigh Elizabeth, who will always remember her as a loving, kind, and fun mother. We pray she grows up with faith and courage, just like her mother.