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Linda Hawkins

Thank you to the “Gift of Life” for this beautiful opportunity to honor all the donors along with our one of a kind angel, Linda A. Hawkins (Dec 2, 1950-Oct 22, 2022).

There’s not enough room on this square to show how giving and caring she was as an amazing mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, and mother-in-law.

To know her was to love her. We miss our best friend. Our house is no longer a home without you. We miss hearing your voice. “Girls, is your power out”, “Can we go to Walmart in the morning”, which came along with us being rammed by your buggy cart à “Whoops, sorry girls” and “Let’s order some cheesesteaks tonight.” So much of our daily routine as you once were is still very much so carried with us. Every red cardinal we see, we blow you back a kiss and say “Wo love you too.”

Her wise, beautiful soul cannot ever be forgotten here on Earth. Her extreme loving and genuine personality gave the brightest light into all our lives. Her laughter and smile has always melted our hearts. We miss you more than you can fathom. We carry you with us every single day. Your legacy will live on forever in our hearts and memories.

Eagles game day! Miss hearing you shout! #1 fan.