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DE Mother Says ‘Yes’ to Organ Donation, Son Gives Life to Many Others

Andrea Haritos never thought she would lose her young, healthy son, Cecil. When he was killed, she thought of others in her time of grief and said 'yes' to organ donation. Cecil went on to save several lives.

Lives are saved and donation is only made possible through the selflessness of donors and the decision of their families to donate.   It is an act of the upmost generosity, especially considering that family members are facing an emotionally devastating loss.  Andrea Haritos never thought she would have to make this decision.  A devoted mother of two teenagers, Cecil Bond and his younger sister, Taylor Bond, Andrea had raised her children with love, faith and a comfortable life that included traveling throughout the U.S., and a few trips abroad.  Her ex-husband had been Cecil’s basketball coach for years.  Cecil played basketball and excelled.  Taylor earned an academic scholarship to college.

After a painful divorce, Andrea’s family started to experience the emotional challenges that often face children who see their parents separate.  As Cecil progressed through his teenage years after the divorce, his behavioral issues were evident. As he continued down the wrong path, he became a victim of violence and was shot and killed at just 19 years old.

“I knew I wanted to make the decision for Cecil to be an organ donor. I feel like I gave birth to a child who had the destiny of saving others.  Because of my son, several people got a phone call that they were going to live.  It makes you realize that we all need each other, and that underneath it all – we are all the same.” Andrea said.

Cecil was a very well-liked young man and always had a lot of friends.  At his memorial service, hundreds of people came to pay their respects.  “I feel like his life was so short, but that because he was able to save and help others – he didn’t die unnecessarily.” Andrea said. Today, Andrea and her family volunteer at Gift of Life by donating desserts to Gift of Life’s Gift of Life Howie’s House and by speaking out about donation and how it has helped them heal.

Andrea said, “Everyone has the power to save someone’s life.  People need to realize that their loved one may be gone, but they can change someone else’s life with the decision to donate.  It’s really a powerful moment where you think of others through your own pain.”

We all have the power to make a change by registering as an organ and tissue donor. By saying “yes” to donation, you can help put an end to the critical shortage of registered organ and tissue donors and save lives.  It only takes 30 seconds to become a registered donor.  By taking just 30 seconds today, you can help give someone a second chance at life.

One comment on "DE Mother Says ‘Yes’ to Organ Donation, Son Gives Life to Many Others"

  1. Bill Murray says:

    We who are on or were on the organ transplant list can only say a very LOUD……..THANK YOU!!

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