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DE Man Grateful for First Christmas with Family Since Transplant

Bob Simpers received a second chance at life via a life-saving liver transplant just in time to make it home for Christmas with his young son.

After a hernia operation in 2013, Dover, DE resident, Bob Simpers, discovered that he had Hepatitis C.  Soon after the surgery, Bob began to retain a significant amount of fluid and noticed that he was developing a yellowish hue to his skin.  He went to the hospital to address this frightening problem and was told that his liver levels were extremely low, and that his lower intestine was no longer functioning.  He knew that the issue was a serious one, but never imagined what doctors would tell him next – that he would need a liver transplant.

After a challenging wait last year, Bob and his family’s wish came true at the end of November, when he received a call that a liver was available for him.  Bob was told that he would be in the hospital for 3 months after his transplant and then would be in rehab for several weeks.  Bob refused to accept that time frame because it didn’t fall in line with his goal of being home for Christmas. He just wanted to spend Christmas at home with his wife and 14-year-old son.  Because of Bob’s belief in himself, strong spirit and commitment to being home for the holidays, his hospital stay lasted only two weeks and he was in and out of rehab in eight days.

“Last year was tough – we went through a difficult time.” Bob said.  “I’m blessed to have my wife and my son.  It’s now starting to sink in all that happened.  I am so fortunate to be able to be here and that someone was a donor, which allowed me to get a new liver.”

Every Christmas, Bob, his wife and son welcome family members into their home for a big holiday breakfast celebration.  They make french toast and open their presents, and then spend the rest of the day together enjoying family time and relaxing in their pajamas.  Bob said that it’s a fun tradition e donation.

This Christmas, Bob will have an opportunity to fully enjoy the holiday for the first time since receiving the gift of life. He has recovered and feels great now, so he is ready to celebrate! “I’m so grateful – and so is my family.” said Bob, when talking about his donor.  “I feel like I could dance in the streets.  It means so much to me.  I look at the world differently now that I have my transplant.  I feel like people I don’t even know care about me.  I don’t let anything get me upset anymore.  I have a totally new perspective on life.” he said.

Bob has volunteered with Gift of Life Donor Program throughout the past year, promoting organ and tissue donation and sharing his touching story in hopes of inspiring others to register.  “I want to encourage people to become donors.  I’ll talk to anyone about my story.  I feel like it’s a way for me to help others.” he said.

Bob’s life is better post-transplant and he feels energetic to do the things he loves.  He lives on a two-acre property and spends a lot of his free time hiking, fishing and visiting Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Smyrna, DE with his family, friends and neighbors.

One comment on "DE Man Grateful for First Christmas with Family Since Transplant"

  1. Vicky says:

    Congratulations to you and your family! Here’s to a long, happy, healthy life! I was saved by a liver transplant in 2012 and am finally living the great life I had lost for almost 20 years. My transplant was at hahnemann hosp. I was offered stays at the gift of life house, but did not use it.
    Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!

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