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Local Woman Celebrates Full Life Since Receiving Liver Transplant

Denise and Ken Fegley from Northeast PA relied on Gift of Life Howie's House as a "home away from home" while Denise awaited a life-saving liver transplant here in Philadelphia.

January is a month to create new beginnings.  It’s a time to set goals and strive for change.  For many, hoping for improved health in the upcoming year is a common wish – and is one that Elysburg, PA resident, Denise Fegley, had at the top of her list in 2014.

In 2010, Denise had gastric bypass surgery.  It was during that operation that doctors diagnosed her with fatty liver disease and her challenging journey began.  She was able to manage the condition until March, 2014 when her eyes began to take on a yellow hue, and her body began to retain excessive amounts of fluid – 80 pounds of fluid to be exact, which doctors removed from her when she was admitted to the hospital.  She was in liver failure that was so severe that the pressure in her liver was causing her to bleed internally.

Physically, Denise’s health was decreasing daily, and mentally she was not doing any better.   Her diseased liver caused her to suffer from encephalopathy, which made it impossible for her to think clearly, drive or stay awake.  She would fall asleep mid-conversation, and had to give up handling the bills for her family because it became too difficult.

Denise had always been a very capable and hardworking woman, and was a high school business teacher for 33 years.  It was a frightening time in her life, having no control over her health and not knowing what would happen next.  She knew that her only hope to regain her health was to receive a liver transplant.  So, all that she could do was wait.

Denise was added to the organ transplant waitlist.  Her doctor told her that there were no guarantees that she would receive a life-saving liver transplant.  Unfortunately, that is the reality for many people who are waiting for a transplant.  Currently in Gift of Life’s region, more than 5,300 people are currently waiting – and nationally 20 people die each day because there are not enough organs available for transplant.

In the meantime, one of Denise’s coworkers offered to be a living donor for her, and began the extensive testing to determine if she was a match.  Then, something miraculous happened – Denise got the call that she had been desperately waiting for – there was a liver available for her.  It was New Year’s Eve, and Ken – Denise’s husband and caretaker – was playing with his band at a party when Denise received the call.  The Fegley family immediately moved into action.  They had been waiting for this and struggling for nine months, wondering if this moment would ever come.

Denise’s surgery was successful.  It took a few months post-transplant for the encephalopathy to go away, but her color immediately improved and she could breathe on her own again without needing oxygen.  It wasn’t an easy recovery, but every day Denise felt better – and fully committed herself to walking and getting her strength back.

“It was really tough.” said Ken.  He stayed at Gift of Life’s Gift of Life Howie’s House, a “home away from home” for transplant patients and their family members who are receiving transplant related care in the Philadelphia area.  Since Elysburg, PA is approximately three hours away from Philadelphia, Ken was able to find comfort in the fact that he had a place to return to at the end of a stressful day at the hospital.  He said, “I don’t know what I would have done without the Gift of Life Howie’s House.  I was at the hospital all day, every day.  Everyone staying there was so nice, and we understood what everyone was going through.”

“Coming home was my best medicine,” Denise said.  “This has completely changed my life.  I have a different outlook and don’t sweat the small stuff anymore.  I’ve been able to experience so many amazing things since my transplant – my daughter gave birth to my first grandchild, Hayden.  I get to see him grow up and will see him get baptized this month.  I got to see my son graduate from high school, and now he is in his second semester, sophomore year at Bloomsburg University and is doing well.”

Denise’s gratitude for her family’s support and for the generosity of her donor are tremendous.  “I have so many blessings. I used to take them for granted, but not anymore.  Because of my donor, I have a second chance at life.  How many people can say that?” she said. “I live my life to the fullest every day to honor my donor, and try to share my story and educate as many people as we can about donation.  We also try to give back by organizing food and wishlist item drives for the Gift of Life Howie’s House.”

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