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Double Lung Recipient Family Raises Thousands for Donor Dash

Since Joe's transplant, Team Skysoldier has rallied friends and family together for this run and walk, and to raise thousands of dollars for organ donation education.

Norristown resident, Joselle Pratt, never imagined that her father, Joe, would need a double lung transplant.  He was a healthy man who served in the United States Army for 20 years and was an instructor at the Airborne School in Ft. Benning, Georgia, where he served as part of the Parachute Infantry Regiment and trained paratroopers.

After retiring in 1978, Joe noticed over the next few years that his breathing became progressively more restricted. He pushed on and tried to continue life as normal, but eventually he became so out of breath that he knew something was very wrong.  He went to his doctor and they diagnosed him with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a chronic and obstructive lung disease that is characterized by poor airflow.

After several years had passed, and what seemed like a lifetime of tolerating the suffocating symptoms of the disease, Joe made the decision to go see a specialist in 2012.  Recognizing how deteriorated Joe’s health had become, the doctor put him on oxygen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Later that year, Joe had a bad exacerbation due to the COPD and was admitted to a local hospital. After going to a new doctor, he was told that his only option would be to receive a double lung transplant.

After 6 weeks of waiting, Joe was given a second chance at life – a new pair of lungs.  Shortly after his transplant, the Pratt family was connected to Gift of Life Donor Program, and they decided to become advocates for organ and tissue donation.  One of the most impactful ways that they have and continue to support donation is through their Donor Dash team, Team Skysoldier.  Since Joe’s transplant, Team Skysoldier has rallied friends and family together for this run and walk, and to raise thousands of dollars for organ donation education.

“The entire experience is surreal.  I never understood why people volunteer until now.  This cause really speaks to us.” said Joselle, Joe’s daughter. “We have a personal connection to organ donation and we want to get the word out.  People need to be organ donors.”

Joselle is proud of her own physical, athletic accomplishments as well.  When the Pratt family began participating in the Dash three years ago, they walked.  Then last year, Joselle ran the 5K, and is planning to do the same this year.  After she participates in the run, she also walks the 3K with her family and friends.

“My Dad’s lung transplant is the best gift we’ve ever received as a family.  For someone to be so selfless and to make the decision to be a donor is amazing.” said Joselle. “We pray for our donor and their family every day.  I know it could not have been easy for them to make that decision, but they were generous and said yes to donation.”

Today, Joe finally feels free to live his life without being sick, tired or tethered to an oxygen machine.  Since receiving the gift of life, Joe and Joselle devote much of their time to volunteering for Gift of Life, and educate the community about the importance of being an organ and tissue donor.  They volunteer regularly and speak at high schools and churches to increase organ donor awareness, and encourage people to register as donors.  In 2015, Joe and Joselle Pratt were recognized by Gift of Life when they were given the Julian V. Hawkins Service Award for their outstanding commitment to increasing awareness of organ and tissue donation in minority communities.


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