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Family “Pays it Forward” at Gift of Life Donor Dash

Kidney recipient Tom Hollar's family and friends continue to keep his legacy alive by participating in Gift of Life’s Donor Dash each year.

Some sports lovers have lucky items that they wear when their favorite team plays.  For Cherry Hill, NJ native, Tom Hollar, he relied on his lucky pair of green polka dot pajamas to get him through his many health challenges in life.

Born with an obstruction in his urinary tract and a defective urethra valve, Tom had many hospital stays as a young man and adult, where he wore his lucky pajamas.  At just two days old, Tom had a surgery to address this obstruction.  His kidneys were affected by the surgery and his significant health issues began.  After 19 years of fair health, along with several surgeries, Tom went into renal failure and doctors told him that his only option would be to receive a kidney transplant.  He was added to the organ transplant waitlist, and his family members began testing to see if they were a match to be a living kidney donor.

Tom’s mother was a match and they began the process for her to donate.  Tom received the gift of life from him mom.  Unfortunately, he had a bleeding ulcer and severe blood loss.  Because of his significant health issues, his body rejected the kidney and he had to go on dialysis.  After several other living donors stepped up, including his father and brother-in-law, and a failed transplant from a deceased donor – Tom was able to accept his new kidney without rejection.  After many attempts, his brother-in- law’s kidney allowed him to begin living his life.

“Tom was very grateful for us.” said his father, Thomas.  “He was also so in awe of Gift of Life and all of the great work that they do.  He told me about Gift of Life and the Donor Dash – which Tom used to walk in – and we decided to volunteer. I still volunteer at Gift of Life Howie’s House.  I’m a regular driver on Saturday mornings, driving transplant patients and their families to and from their medical appointments. Because of my experience, I really understand what they are going through.  I can relate and it’s satisfying for me to help unburden people and to talk with them.”

Tom was on dialysis through most of 1991-2001.  Before he went into kidney failure at 19, Tom was an athletic young man.  He played and loved baseball – and enjoyed being a pitcher and on the little league team.  He was a child of the 1970’s and loved rock and roll and classic rock, and played guitar for years.  He was able – even though his health was declining – to graduate from high school and begin a culinary arts program to become a chef.  Unfortunately, because of his exhaustion, he was unable to complete the culinary program.  Instead, he continued his path in the hospitality industry and worked in reservations at the Borgata Hotel and Casino.

After a decade of good health with his brother-and-law’s kidney, Tom was tragically killed in a car accident in 2009.  The Hollar family and friends continue to keep his legacy alive by participating in Gift of Life’s Donor Dash with the team name Green Polka Dot Pajamas.

“I try to do all that I can.” said Thomas. “Gift of Life is a wonderful organization and we want to show our support, through the Dash and volunteering.  I also share my story in driver’s education classes at high schools.  I want to give people as much information as possible about organ and tissue donation.  It’s especially important to reach young people and give them the information that they need when getting their driver’s license.”

One comment on "Family “Pays it Forward” at Gift of Life Donor Dash"

  1. Tami Aglialoro says:

    That was a beautiful tribute to Tom. I have been involved in the Dash for what will be my 4th year and I also became an organ donor after meeting this awesome Hollar family.
    It’s a great feeling to see all the people that come out and support Gift of Life, more people should get involved.

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