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17 Years With a New Heart, Man Grateful for Gift of Life

Chris Hagan is thankful for the gift of life he received from an organ donor. He knows the life-saving power of organ donation, both his brother and sister were donors when they passed.

The life-saving power of donation reached Downingtown, PA resident, Chris Hagan, in 1998 when he was given a second chance at life – a new heart.  Chris always had a healthy and active life.  He was a volunteer fire fighter and an EMS practitioner. But it all changed when he was 33 years old. He began to feel exhausted, lethargic and had trouble catching his breath.  He knew something was wrong, and was given a grim prognosis. He was told that he had Enlarged Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure, and that he would need a heart transplant to survive.  He was added to the waitlist and waited for eight months – until one mother’s generous decision changed his life forever.

“My wife’s coworker, Linda Greaves, knew that I was waiting for a heart transplant.” said Chris Hagan, Director, Property Management, Chester County Hospital.  “After her son, John, was killed in a motorcycle accident – she was told that he would able to be an organ donor.  Immediately, she asked if his heart could go to me.  He was a match, and that’s how I received my transplant. I still get emotional thinking about it.”

Chris is not only a transplant recipient. He also is a donor family member.  Both his brother, Dennis Hagan, and sister, Kassie Hagan Vannoy, were organ donors when they died.  Kassie was able to save seven lives through organ donation, and Dennis was able to benefit many others through tissue and cornea donation.

“Today, I feel 100% better.  I was back to work 91 days after my transplant, and have had many blessings since.  April, 2016 is my 17th transplant anniversary.  I’ve been able to see my kids and step kids grow up, to be with my family and to work at a job I love.” said Chris.

2 comments on "17 Years With a New Heart, Man Grateful for Gift of Life"

  1. Pauline says:

    My husband celebrates his heart transplant birthday this month. Six years ago he was given this beautiful gift. I thank God for giving this gift to me and our family everyday. At one time it would have been the end for this wonderful man. He also volunteers to speak with other people who are waiting for heart transplants. God bless you and your story is an inspiration.

  2. Patti says:

    My husband is also a 17 year heart recipient in October. Received his heart transplant at Hershey Medical Center. He is very active, goes on hunting trips, and thoroughly enjoys life. Thanks to a selfless donor he has seen his grandson graduate from high school and lived to see two granddaughters. We both have been volunteers with Gift of Life.
    Every day is a gift.

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