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Matthew A. Quinney

Matthew was a 10th grade student at Hazelton Area High School. His interests included computers, fishing, stereo equipment, and music. As a young boy Matt liked to work on bikes and fix all kinds of things.

He wanted to have his own business when he grew up. Maybe it would be a bicycle repair shop, or maybe a sporting goods store, or maybe a locksmith shop. Most recently if you knew Matt he wanted to have his own computer repair store. He loved taking apart computers and electronic devices. Our whole basement was loaded with computer parts or electronic components. He would stay up all night just to be able to fix a problem or learn more software. He liked to help others who did not know a lot about computers. When people wanted to buy a new computer they would ask for his help to select the right one for them.

Matt also loved to fish in New York for steelhead and brown trout. He tied fishing flies and quickly learned to be great fisherman. He had the touch to catch these big fish easily. He liked to ice fish and he did not mind the cold. Every November he would make his own special sinkers and tie egg sacs that the big trout liked. The old fisherman would talk to him and ask him how he caught so many fish, he loved the attention and he would gladly show them.

Matt touched so many people in his life. He loved to share things with others, and he lives on through sharing his organs. Matthew was an organ donor and has helped to save many others. Two small children were saved with his liver alone. His heart saved a young father and his kidneys saved two others. So Matthew lives on mot only 8in us the closest to him, but in others across the country. Matt is with us every day. We all love him.