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Jeremy Scott Honaker

Jeremy (Jay) was just 18 years of age when he left us. During his short lifetime he lived as if there were no tomorrow. He lived within the present with little concern regarding the past or what the future may bring. His independence was a strong part of his personality. Making a decision and carrying it out, regardless of what others said or thought was not a problem.

Jay loved the outdoors, enjoyed fishing, and watching animals. He was particularly fond of small children and his gentle interaction with tem always impressed us. Friends and family were always a joyous part of his life. A very loving person, Jay was always ready to give a hug when needed.

Those of us who knew him benefited from his love and friendship. We are all a little better today because we had the pleasure of sharing our love and life with him. Jay will live within us forever, and we look forward to the day we will be together again.