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Mary Beth Hutta

12-20-64 – 12-27-98

Mary Beth’s family was the most important thing in her life. She had three sisters and a brother, as well as nice nieces and nephews, and so I have surrounded her with the people she loved best. The purple background represents her favorite color.

The moon represents her “night person” personality. She was always the last one to bed. Her favorite companion on those nights was our dog “Chip”. We’ve had many pets over the years but she loved him best of all. He was kind of a “night person” too, and he shared her bed every night.

Music was a constant in her life. There was hardly a quiet moment when Bee was home – music accompanied her everywhere.

She loved warm places – the Caribbean, summer vacations at Long Beach Island, Southern California – anywhere where the winter temperatures were no more than 60 degrees. The earring represents her idea of a fun time (we planned a cruise for 1999).

Christmas defined Bee. She loved it all – the family traditions, the music, the food, the looks on the children’s faces when they opened her gifts. We all said of her “Bee knows what the kids like.” She said of herself, “I’m just a kid at heart.” Some of the first things she bought were for the TOYS FOR TOTS campaign. She believed all children deserve a little happiness.

These are tangible reminders of her life. The intangibles – her generosity, her compassion, her loyalty and sense of fairness – are etched in our hearts.