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Robert Richards

Pride, Dignity, Loyalty, Dedication

Every day my father got up in the morning, not only did he put on a suit, shirt and time, he wore each of these emotions on his chest. No matter what the day would uphold, he would always hold his head high and attacked life with an enormous effort. Robert Richards was a man who was proud of who he was and would never disappoint anyone. I can remember growing up as a child and him telling me I could accomplish anything that I put my mind to. I never truly understood this till I entered adulthood. His determination and dedication carries me to what I have become today.

Not only did these emotions play a large role with his career, they were even more dominant and greater with his family. My father was a very quiet man but his pride for his wife and daughter would scream off his chest. A smile on his face and his highly held head would say a thousand words. His family was the corner stone of his life. He was dedicated to helping his family grow independently and especially with each other.

Tragedy entered into our lives on July 7th, 1997 when he passed away from a massive heart attack. We never thought we would have recovered but our family has never been closer. He is still living within all of us and is with us at every occasion.

The donation of this quilting square, crafted by his family, was made from his shirts and ties that helped him carry the pride, dignity, loyalty and dedication that he wore so well.

Judith Richards – Wife, Mother

Jennifer Richards – Daughter

Tammie Corsnitz – Sister-in-law

Margaret Lebo – Mother-in-law