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Jenna Marie Feathers

October 20, 1980 – December 5, 1999

The quilt patch I chose to make in memory of my daughter, Jenna Marie Feathers, is the Ohio Star. It is one of the oldest quilt patterns and is based on the patch quilt block construction. I do not sew, but I felt I wanted to try this. I recalled a quote Jenna used, "try and fail, but don't fail to try." This is my try at a quilt patch.

I could tell you many things about my daughter as any parent could. She was bright, beautiful, talented, athletic, and kind. Most of all I would like to tell you about the day she became an organ donor.

It was November 14, 1996 and she was taking her driver's test. I was in the waiting room of the driver's exam when around the corner of the next room Jenna flashed me a smile and said, "Hey Mom, come here! I need you to sign this." I asked her what she needed me to sign and she replied, "I need your permission to be an organ donor." We had never ever discussed this so I asked, "Have you thought about doing this?" Jenna replied, "Oh, yes, I've thought a lot about it, it's the right thing to do."

I remember saying a prayer as I gave my permission. A prayer that I would never have to do this, but I was proud of Jenna's decision, and as she said, "It's the right thing to do."