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Eleanor F. Ford

1938 – 1999

The donor patch created in memory of my sister is a simple one, for she was a person who lived a simple life. My sister passed at an early age due to a stroke. Her resources at the time of her passing were less than spectacular to say the least. While my sister led a modest life, she did have one major life-long interest.

For some thirty plus years my sister devoted herself to the Order of the Eastern Star. The Easter Star is an organization to promote high moral and social character. Its members contribute their time, energy and wisdom in keeping with the precepts of Charity, Truth, and Loving-kindness for the good of all humankind throughout the world. In 1972 she was elected Worthy Matron of her Chapter. Unfortunately in the few years before her passing she was unable to participate in the organization because of her circumstances.

The upper portion of the patch shows the emblem of the Eastern Star. There is also a reference to my sister's tenure as a Worthy Matron of her Chapter. I felt this was appropriate since she devoted all her life to this organization.

The bottom portion of the patch depicts the nature of her gift.

As her brother, I know my sister believed in the principles of the Eastern Star, so I know her donation was in keeping with those principles.

Clinton A. Ford, Jr.

Lillian, AL