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Shafeeq Terrance Murrell

May 3, 1980 – March 1, 1996

"What's Loved is Never Lost"

This panel is dedicated in memory of our son, our brother, Shafeeq Terrance Murrell, who lived and departed this life on March 1, 1996 and continues to live through others made possible by organ donation. Our act of love and decision to donate was based upon and inspired by the character and personality of Shafeeq. We present to you this panel for all to see and know that Organ and Tissue donation represents as second chance at life.

We miss your laugh, your smile, your cry

As we look to our creator and as Him why?

Why was he given to be taken away?

What was the purpose, no one can say

What lesson must we learn?

Did we have to learn it this way?

Little black boy – so kind, so sweet…..

Spread your wings, you're finally free!