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Frank Cush

Frank was the greatest man and the most caring man in the world. He was only fifty-four when he passed away. His life was his family, me, his seven children, and the grandchildren he left behind. They were his world.

He loved Ireland and all the young people who came over to work. He became their second father.

He took care of all the older people in the neighborhood, taking them shopping, to the doctors, and bringing them home from the hospital. Fixing things that would need fixing in their homes. Someone was always calling needing his help and he was always right there.

He has left an empty spot in so many lives it's unbelievable, especially with us. His children and grandchildren get together on Sunday and we just talk about the funny things and the good times we had.

This picture is at our daughter's wedding. He was very happy. He would have given the shirt off his back to someone. He always wanted to give anything they could take when he died so that someone else could have a better quality of life.

It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, especially at that time, but I knew it was his wish, and I know he was happy about it.