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Michael Davis McVey

August 25, 1980

June 20, 1995

The following is a tribute to Michael by a family friend. It clearly states the true essence of Michael and his genuine love of life. Michael, sorely missed by his family and friends, remains in our hearts daily providing the motivation to live our lives as fully as possible.

No hill too high

No challenge too tough

No place too remote

No path too rough

This was the credo

by which Michael lived.

He grabbed all the gusto

that life had to give.

The life of this young man

touched many others,

A son, a grandchild,

a nephew, a brother,

A neighbor, an athlete,

a classmate, a scout,

a musician, a student,

a true friend throughout,

Perhaps in our sadness

We can learn what he knew,

To live each day fully

Whatever we do.