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Lori Janina Mieczkowski

I've been trying each and everyday to say a few things describing my hand-made patch of our precious daughter, Lori. It's been hard. There isn't much to it; although, there is a lot of love put into it. Lori put a lot of love into everything she did in her fifteen and a half years with us. Lori loved so much with everything she card about. I would have to make a full quilt to show how much love she had in her heart.

Lori loved the color purple. She also liked red because one of her favorite singers, Taylor Hanson of the Hanson's, only ate red jellybeans.

The stars and moons: I feel as Lori's mom, represents Lori's travel. Lori is able to see the stars and moons. She is able to be with the stars and moons and see their beauty. We always strive to see and learn so much about our stars and moons. Our loved ones are able to see and feel them. That's an amazing feeling for us to know.

The lace surrounding Lori's picture is called 'Growing Vine'. I chose to border Lori's picture with this lace because of the name it holds…Lori grew so fast: as does anyone's child. They're born, and before you know it, proof, they're grown. Lori grew into a beautiful young lady during her fifteen and a half years with us. I had originally placed a different bow in the corner of Lori's picture. I had replaced it with a purple ribbon because this one accentuated the color purple that Lori liked.

We will always miss Lori. We know we will see her again someday. Until that time, we will enjoy every possible memory we have of her.

We love you, Lori.