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Marcos Guzman

With a knot in my throat and with the grief that embarks my life, ever since you left it feels like a knife going through the heart. You meant everything in my life.

You were that baby that one awaits anxiously when pregnant, and then after birth brings peace and happiness to one's life. You were my heavenly gift-a symbol of life that was so innocent and pure. You were so fragile.

I ask you, my little star that went to heaven, dove that elevates his flight, where are you? You left like sea breeze. Send me a message with the wind, the sun, the moon, the stars. Let me know that you are okay, wherever you are, so I can rest more at ease.

You were always my reason to live, my little boy, my little man, my valiant prince, my greatest love. The love without boundaries or doubt; the love that sings beyond death or the farthest constellations.

You will never die because you have left an imprint that will never disappear. A part of you lives on in another human being. That gives me happiness knowing that even in your last moments you have given life and joy to more people. I hope that more people do this. For the reason every day and a year will be until god decides to reunite me you. For now sleep, my baby, dream your infinite dream, restful dream, the most peaceful dream.

You will never be forgotten in my heart.

The mother of Marcos Guzman