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Jared Tyler Meyers

7-21-81 to 5-4-03

My son Jared died on May 4, 2003. He was 21 years old. It was the worst thing that ever happened in my life. Jared was an organ donor, which is something to be proud of. He was involved in a motor vehicle accident in 1997. His leg was crushed and he had a steel rod put in to support the leg. His face was scarred and he had 120 stitches across his face. He was taking prescription pain pills to help him cope. After years of pain medication he needed more and more. He started to become immune to the medicine and would increase the dose. We tried to help him but he was in denial. On May 4, 2003, Jared died from prescription medicine. It was ruled an accidental overdose. My son loved life but couldn't beat the habit.

He donated bone, skin, tissue and his corneas. I hope that someone can benefit from this. He was a good soul, life dealt him a bad hand and he was too weak to deal with it. My life has changed and we miss him dearly. I hope someone benefited from his donation. We know that he is in a better place and he is watching over us.

We miss him so much. To know that someone can be helped by Jared gives us comfort to know that a part of him is still here. Thank you for the Gift of Life Program.

Deborah Ness