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Brad Hamilton Book

Touched by his life

we go on without him beside us.

Touched by his life

we proceed with a void that is real.

Touched by his life

we know nothing will ever be the same.

Be we are

Moved by his presence

in each leaf that blows in the wind,

in each bird that sings a song of freedom,

in each child that laughs in the joy of the moment.

Brad is around us

guiding, shepherding, caring, loving.

He appears without warning

when we need to be comforted.

He reminds us that life is to be cherished

for the time spent together.

Memories abound

with joy and sadness intertwined.

Missing his is always there.

But we are

better for

having knowing him,

having loved him,

having cared for him.

Brad, we love you, and Dad who is with you!

Mom and Doug


Throughout the year please take time to acknowledge the value of someone by giving them a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement, dignity.