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George H. Feulner, Sr.

11/17/41 – 07/02/03

The picture at the top left corner is our beloved George. George was a man who loved to collect coins, study Civil War, look for any reason to wear his moccasins, and spoil his baby dong Shelby. He was a very hard-working man and was counting down the years, months, and days till he can retire and be able to travel around the world. It came down to four months till his retirement when he passed away suddenly. So, this patch will represent him being able to travel to places he has never been.

We would like to tell everyone how he was able to conquer the hardest thing in his life and how proud we are. When he was forty-two years old he felt he was losing his family to his drinking. So, he decided to stop drinking and become sober, with only two A.A meetings and his determination he became a better person and gained respect for himself. Can you imagine how hard that was for him, but he never touched another drink again. We are very proud of him; he was and still is a great guy in our hearts. We would give anything to have him back, at least for one more day to tell him how much he means to all of us.

We Love You and Miss You;


Your wife Elaine, your children: Grace, Georgie (deceased), Derrick, Curt and Nora.