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Joseph Thomas Berthesi


"Our Angel of Love"

We are proud to honor Joey's memory through organ donation and this Gift of Life quilt.

Joey is truly a blessed child of God. Joseph's name translated means "he shall add…" and as an infant he was nicknamed "Joey Love" – which couldn't have been more appropriate. He displayed an extraordinary amount of love that surpassed his young age.

It is impossible to capture the true essence of Joey – he is all that is good, pure and loving and the impact he made on so many in such a short amount of time on Earth is awe-inspiring. He had a unique love for family and friends. He had blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes and a radiant smile and contagious laugh. He was joyous, kind, giving, caring, fearless, exuberant – so full of life, with wisdom beyond his years and was gifted naturally artistically and athletically. He had a self-confidence and self-love that translated into helping others and making others feel good about themselves. He was beautiful inside and out-surely a child kissed by God.

He is a blessed gift we will always cherish. We couldn't have been more blessed to share in his life and love. He is our Angel of Love – whose legacy is truly everlasting love.

Joey – you are forever in our hearts and your spirit continues to shine brightly and will always live with us and in us.