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Donald Richard Christ

This memorial quilt square was created as a tribute to a wonderful man -Donald Richard Christ-A man who filled the life of his family with love, support, generosity and a sense of humor. Don was taken from us on December 31, 2002 from a massive heart attack. It was always his wish to be an organ donor.

Above anything else, Don was a family man, who put his family first. Don was so incredibly proud of his son and daughter, never missing a single softball or soccer game, band or chorus performance, parent-teacher conference, or science fair. Although it seemed as though there was some activity most evenings after work, he hardly ever complained. He was so proud that his children were growing up so well rounded.

Don loved the Chesapeake Bay. He was happy sitting by the water's edge drinking a cup of coffee in the morning of being out on his boat trolling for rockfish. Being out on his boat was his way of kicking back and relaxing. He also loved the ocean, the sound of the waves, and the feel of the breeze.

Don worked hard at his job as a chief information officer. His job was full of stress, yet he balanced it out with the friendship of his staff and his love of technology.

We miss you desperately and wish you were here to share more beautiful memories with.

Always and forever,

Mom and Dad, wife Diana, and children Jeff and Andi