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Andrew Michael Russell

Born July 12, 1983

Son, brother, friend. Artist, poet … now, angel.

Andrew was 19 years old when he was killed in a car accident on February 6, 2003. He was a passenger. The driver, his friend, also died. It was a tragic, terrifying day for me, for his brothers, Adam and Brian, and for so many family members and friends who knew and loved Andrew. Our hearts are broken, but his sweet, loving spirit lives on within us.

Andrew wrote a poem in 2001 which reflects how he lived his life. This poem, which was read to us for the first time on the day of his funeral, with over 600 in attendance, is now the epitaph on his grave marker: "The end is the true beginning. Your doings affect where you rest. There's a line between losing and winning. Don't put your life to the ultimate test."

The Threads of Love quilt square commemorating Andrew represents a young man who was loving, peaceful and gracious. He was a talented artist who drew imaginative, vibrant pictures -one of which is on his quilt square. His drawings fill our home. He had a kind heart, gentle spirit and a beautiful smile.

The poem inscribed on his quilt square was written by Andrew and reflects his simple but deep philosophy of love and life.

We will never forget his "make you smile" ways.

With love to you, Andrew – our guardian angel,

Andrews's Mom and Andrew's brothers