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Joe Young

Our Son, Joe Young

There would never be words adequate in the language of the world, to describe,

To make known, to express the life of our son, Joe……..

Quiet and shy, generous and giving…..a gentle soul………

The smile that lit up his face……. from the baby in my arms, to the young man

He had become…………So affectionate……generous with his hugs…..

"Mighty Joe Remembered As a Gentleman"……..the news headlines that

Quoted his coach……

Well loved…….and in love……..he was taken from us on Good Friday, 2003

At the midnight hour……in a car accident……five minutes from home…..

He was only 17…….just 2 months shy of graduation……just 3 weeks shy of the prom…..

He was enrolled in college……classes selected…….awaiting news of which dorm and roommate………………nervous and eager at the same time…….

Baseball was to continue ……it was his passion……..he was so proud of being a Spartan

In high school…………………….The flagpole is there in your memory………

His teammates carried him on his last journey…….in his uniform……

The Spartan green in his hands………..

The last games of the senior season were played without him………

The college was notified that there would be one less enrolled………

And all the hopes and dreams of a dedicated young man have vanished in

The fog and darkness………along a stretch of highway……..118

Our lives are shattered now…….we are broken…….

Empty of the joy our son gave to us for 17 years……….

He was the most precious gift….and we miss everything about him……………… March 27, 06