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Preston Buller


Preston loved his country deeply even though he never had the opportunity to serve in the military. One could find the patriotic colors of "red, white and blue" even on his work truck. The truck was known as the "White Knight" and he came riding in on this mechanical steed to rescue many needy people by doing everything from helping them rake leaves to rewiring their homes. He took pride in his family and his job but never thought himself "too smart."

He had a smile for everyone and had the ability to find good in every situation. The picture of this panel truly represents him as a person and how he appeared every day of his life here on earth. He was a most generous man and we, as his family, know that the decision to be a multiple organ donor was his choice. The gift he gave keeps on giving and we, as his family, are greatly comforted that his spirit lives on in us and his physical body has helped so many others. We are grateful to the Gift of Life program for the opportunity to actively participate in such a meaningful organization.