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Lisa M. Morgan

Lisa was born a giver, she was a person that would always drop what she was doing if she thought that people needed help.

She was always volunteering with anything that involved her family and friends, she would jump right in with anything that had to do with her precious son, Jeremy.

When her Grammie got sick, Lisa decided that she would become a regular blood bank donor, and she was only 19 years old at the time. Lisa continued with this practice over the next 17 years. She always stated that she was building up credits in case she would ever need help.

Lisa would donate her time and talent to Jeremy's school, she would help on different committees and Jeremy's daddy was the school's mascot Morris the Moose.

Lisa was very crafty, she designed her own floral arrangements and head pieces for her dream wedding to her Prince Charming Bruce.

When her son was old enough to start his sports activities, she was right there. Jeremy started Quarter Midget Racing when he was 7 years old and it didn't take her long to become an active member of the Racing Club. Daddy Bruce was Jeremy's pit crew and Mommy Lisa was a sorcer, working in the track's tower each and every Sunday during the race season. She volunteered for each committee at the track.

When she saw that she could become a donor for the Gift of Life, she mentioned this to everyone in her family and asked all of us to consider this. Little did we know, that we would lose this beautiful person so soon.

As in life, Lisa has continued to donate to people in need. Jeremy stated how different his life would be if his mother hadn't died. We her family and friends all feel his pain and continue to miss her daily.

Rest in peace little girl.