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Norbert J. Niszczak III

12/07/1973 – 4/24/2000

Brother: A dear friend to his sister.

Son: A parent's proudest achievement.

Friend: He was surrounded by many.

Drill Team: Where he gained discipline and the skills to last him a lifetime.

C.A.P.: The Civil Air Patrol sculpted him into a fine young man.

Skipfest: An annual volleyball tournament held at his home and continued on his memory by friends and family.

Corvette: Represents the Chevrolet dealership he worked for and the extended family he had there.

Ace: His beloved dog who rests with him now too.

Mach 1: This Mustang was his hobby and his dream car that he made a reality.

D.S.: Initials represent his deceased and dear cousin Diane S.

*Placed in between the material of the quilt patch is a handkerchief signed by his friends from Skipfest.