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Ray E. Withelder

Ray was a wonderful son, brother, grandson and friend. The hearts represent LOVE! He always had time for a hug. So many people told us he was their "best friend" and "made their day" at work.

The sports items represent his success in and love for sports. All-State, All-County, All-League, you name it, he earned them. He continued to follow college and professional sports of every season. We will never forget his exploits as a wide receiver and his "great hands." Watching him on the basketball court, baseball or football field was exciting and exhilarating. We have wonderful memories.

The red, white and blue colors represent his love for our country, America, and its history. He was considering being a history teacher like his Mom. Ray loved to read about the great Americans of the Revolutionary period and had several books on his desk at work and by his bed.

The photo shows Ray in 2000, his graduation picture. He is smiling and handsome, ready to play ball, take a ride, tease the dickens out of someone or rage at the unfairness of the world. And the world can be unfair. We have learned though, that out of overwhelming tragedy and grief can come some powerful goodness. Ray put organ donor on his license the last time he renewed it. Now four people, Dean, Kerry, Fred and one other individual, live today because of his decision that day. What a great guy!

Finally, the butterflies are reminders of the beautiful garden Ray dug for me. "In the middle of the yard?" he asked. "In the middle of July? It will die!" He planted it and I watered it. Today it is a precious reminder of his love and talent. Sitting there, soon after his death, a butterfly flew close to me, around my head and finally landing on my bathing suit. I didn't move, it didn't move. It was a hug and kiss from him


Ron, Sheila, Mandy, Ron and Lauren Withelder &