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Dylan Matthew Hurley

October 6, 1986 – October 27, 2005

One of the qualities that Dylan will be most remembered for is his sense of humor. Everyone fell victim to his pranks, one-liners, or jokes at one time of another. He could make anyone, anywhere laugh no matter what and was quite a story-teller.

He loved all sports, especially soccer. No matter where he was – work, after school, hanging with friends, visiting relatives at holidays, he always had to have some kind of sports equipment with him. Soccer was his passion. He played not only for his school but any league he could get on.

Dylan always had to be doing "something." It was as if he knew his life would be short and wanted to cram everything in that he could. He looked forward to joining the Coast Guard which was only 2 months away from his accident. He was excited to see what else the world had to offer.

I remember the day he got his driver's license. I had planned to remind him to request to be an organ donor but in the excitement of the day, I forgot. After he got his picture taken, I asked him if he remembered ad he told me he had taken care of it. He said, "Mom, why wouldn't I be an organ donor…why wouldn't I give someone something I'm not going to need anymore?"

The butterfly represents Dylan's sign to us that he is in heaven and waiting for us to be together again.

Family of Dylan Hurley