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Christine Lambert

Christine was an angel that we were blessed to have in our lives. Her family was the most important part of her life. Her men as she would say was her everything, that was her husband and son.

The patch expresses her life of love and enjoyment. Chris enjoyed her new kitchen and was always trying some new meals or baking for someone. If the weather permitted you would find her enjoying her flower gardens, her sewing was something that was a great pastime for her and there was nothing she wouldn't make, from her own wedding dress to curtains for someone's house.

Her work (St. Luke's Hospital, Bethlehem, PA) as a radiation therapist meant everything to her. She cared for each and everyone that she treated and all the people around her. Our lives were changed on December 25th, 2005 when you were taken. But again from the goodness of your heart there are other people enjoying life because of your gift. May God bless you and keep you safe until we all meet again.


Frank and Matthew Lambert