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Fred Spencer

5-17-42 – 4-27-05

Fred enjoyed the outdoors in many ways. Spring through fall you most likely would find him working in his garden or if it was hunting season, in the woods with his son or daughter. During the winter he often went sleigh riding on a toboggan down the hill with his grandchildren.

I used vegetable print material to make this square for his love of gardening and the deer buttons represent his love for hunting.

The poem:

Sometimes you couldn't show it

But somehow we always knew

That through your gruff exterior

You loved us through and through.

Your time with us has ended

No more seeds on earth will you sow.

Heaven must need a gardener.

And so we must let you go.

So plant your garden in heaven.

With no pain or broken parts

Share your love of the earth with others

Share the goodness in your heart.

As we prepare to say good bye

The words of a song provoke deep thought,

"It's better to be hated for who you are,

Then loved for who you're not."

was written by his daughter in his memory. He is greatly missed by his wife, 6 children, 6 grandchildren, great grandson and many friends.