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William Samuel Rhoads Sr.

Bill was strong, and sturdy like the blue “Dickies” that were his trademark. It seemed only natural to use those old “Dickies” for his square. Dad’s death during surgery the day after Thanksgiving 2005 devastated our family. As we prepared the services we had so much we wanted to say but knew a spoken Eulogy would bring us to our knees. We decided on a program and put Dad’s picture and this quote on the front, since the quote explained Bill perfectly. Inside, we took each line of the quote and reflected on Bill, how he lived his life, and through his love, how he had effected ours. Since that reflection was long, we took the most significant pieces and incorporated them into Dad’s square.

Bill’s spark was always a brilliant blaze; from the sparkle in his eyes to his contagious laughter symbolized by the brilliant red in his square.

A superb meteor, every atom in magnificent glow. By trade a tool and dye maker, he designed the dyes for stents used in heart surgery. He was a man of great pride in his accomplishments. Dad’s glow is reflected in the brightly patterned area of his square.

I shall use my time. Bill lived life fully and took his place in the world and our lives very seriously as reflected in the growing yellow area of his square.

Thanks Dad for your gift, your gentle loving heart, and for being the brilliant spark that will forever glow in our hearts.