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Christopher Lewis Franzen

Christopher’s blanket square has a lot of meaning. As a child, Chris loved the Ninja Turtles, especially the blue one. Chris loved the turtles so much he, as a young adult, tattooed them on his leg. Music was the joy of his life. Chris went to numerous concerts. At one of the concerts he went to, a band member invited him backstage and as a souvenir gave him his pick. The cross represents Chris’ style, who also believed in God. The angel was given by his Aunt Mimi, an angel to watch over Chris for his eternal life.

When my children were younger, I use to have a saying, that we were the three musketeers. We were to stick together. The blanket square has clouds on it, just like his picture. Chris will always live on, in our hearts, and hopefully as a Gift of Life to live on in others. Chris is sadly missed by his family and friends.


his mom Patty