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George Cline

This quilt square is in memory and to honor my brother, George “Butch” Cline.

My brother was a husband, father of three biological children and three step children, all of which referred to him as “Dad.” He also had many grand children and a great grand daughter.

Butch (I ended up being the only one to call him that into his adult life) was a Marine in the early sixties during the “Bay of Pigs” conflict.

Through his youth and into his adult life he played baseball or softball. He was raised and had to be Phillies fan. Basketball was always a part of Butch’s life…he was on his high school team, played pick up games and was on his churches team.

He had a love for his bull dogs. That probably stemmed from the Marines.

My brother had a deep faith and had just completed his studies to be a minister when he died.

He is missed by his family and oh how I miss my brother and our talks on the phone every weekend.

My final thought is to always tell those you love how much you care for them…I am glad my brother and I did.

Miss you brother.