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Patricia Rock

Patricia was a wonderful, caring and loving person.

She was a mother, grandmother, sister and daughter. But most of all a great friend to everyone in her life.

She was born in the coal mine town of Ashland, PA before moving to New Jersey as a young girl.

Patricia’s most cherished thing in her life was her family. She was the oldest of five children, having one child of her own, her pride and joy Sharon Ann and two grandchildren Alexis, age 11 and Tyla, age 4.

She had such special way of celebrating life, she never had an unkind word to say about anyone, she always found the good in people and was always the life of any party, she loved dancing and getting dressed up.

She is that one person in our family who all stories revolved around, she made everyone laugh each and every time you were around her.

She loved decorating her house for every holiday, dressing as a witch every year for Halloween, visiting Hershey Park during the Christmas season with her family, taking her granddaughter Alexis to shows, going to the beach, camping and her Irish heritage; even visiting Ireland with her mother.

On February 26, 2005 Patricia suffered a brain aneurism and passed away on March 3 at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia at the age of 52. Although Patricia had never discussed organ donation with her family they knew that because she was such a giving person that if she could give a second chance at life to families whom are suffering…she would have been the first in line.

While suffering the tragic loss of our special “Patsy” we did find peace in knowing that our life altering grief had become life altering happiness for several other families.

She is truly a guardian angel and a Hero.

A message to Patricia from her Daughter Sharon

My Special Angel

She’s always watching over me,

I feel her presence near,

She’s always here to listen,

And guide me through my fears.

She’s a very special angel,

One God choose just for me,

She was once my Mom here on earth,

But that wasn’t long to be.

God called her home one night,

My fear and rage did he see,

If He were a loving God,

Why take my Mom from me.

But in time I saw the plan,

He unveiled for me to see,

He had taken my Mom away,

But He gave her back to me.

There was only one thing different,

About this wondrous thing,

She just traded her faded jeans,

For a halo and snow white wings.