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Nathan Charles Graybill

March 7, 1985 to May 3, 2006

Nate was a wonderful, fun-loving 21 year old young man. He was a great son to Gary and Karen, brother to Liz, and friend to so many. He had very curly blonde hair, and a smile and laugh that were unforgettable.

Nate was attending Widener University, studying mechanical engineering when he suffered a head injury while mountain biking. He stayed with us for 6 days before a clot moved and he quickly and quietly left us.

He enjoyed many things, but especially loved basketball, mountain biking, movies, the gang at Widener, and hanging out with his friends at Jimmy’s house.

Nate’s legacy lives on at his high school. The Paul Corby-Nate Graybill Scholarship helps graduating seniors with the expenses of higher education. Paul was a high school friend and teammate who lost his very brave battle with Burkett’s lymphoma in 2002. Nate is remembered by making students aware of the importance of organ donation. Nate’s decision to be an organ donor has helped everyone who knew him come to terms with his passing. We know he lives on helping others to accomplish their dreams. He was quite a guy!

Missed by so many!

We love you, Nate!

Mom, Dad, and Liz

(and 100’s of others, too)