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Deloris L. Hammer

I want to tell you about my sister, Dee Hammer. She left us on November 9, 2006. As we grew up she was a royal brat (at least in the eyes as the oldest sister), but she grew up to be the most wonderful person you could ever know. She became pregnant at 15 and had her baby at 16. Her daughter is Heather, and she is, was, and always will be the light in Dee’s life, although the shine expanded with the birth of her 2 grandchildren, Pierce, 4, and Kaelyn, 1. She was afraid to become a Nana but once the babies came she blossomed into the Nana that Pierce couldn’t get enough of.

She worked hard all of her life, and she played hard too. She loved her Harleys, going to swap meets, going out to concerts and clubs with her friends, she even took scuba diving lessons (and for my sister that is extreme because she doesn’t like the things that live down in the water), and she loves her family.

Her family consists of her parents, Joe and Arlene Ozola (her dad passed away in January, 2007).

Her daughter Heather, husband Brian, and their 2 children, myself (Joy), husband Sonny, my 2 children, Todd and Arlina, and my 2 grandchildren, Danny and Sarah, her brother Joe, her sister Debbie and her daughter Amber, who is Aunt Dee’s buddy, plus a countless number of extended family and friends who grieve daily of the loss of our loved one.