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Linda Joan DeVita

Made in honor of my wonderful wondrous Mother, Linda Joan De Vita

This was an extra special project for me. My Mother loved making and collecting quilts of all shapes and sizes.

My square is made from clothing my Mother bought for her two granddaughters, her pillow case, and two of her shirts. It is embellished with rows of white trim work her and I had collected over the years. A single watering can charm is sewn on the front that I removed from one of her silly socks. The charm also represents the fact that she loved to collect unique watering cans. I hand painted her name on the front because painting was an enormous part of our life, hers and mine. She made everything magical. I am glad her goodness in life was able to benefit someone even after she was gone.

Made with much love from her daughter.

Gretchen Sue Spears