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Darlene F. Schmitt

June 21st 1946-December 4th 2007


Dear Ian,

You were only one when Grandma passed away but you were the love of her life. She was there the day you were born and was so proud of the person you were becoming. She bought you your first ball and would sit on the floor, teaching you how to roll it. When ever you saw Grandma you would run to your toy box, grab your ball, and sit down to play. Each day I wish she was here to watch you grow and in my heart I know you have your own guardian angel protecting you always.

Although you were too young to remember her, there are so many things I want you to know about her and her life. She was a feisty woman who always believed in speaking your mind and reaching for your dreams. She inspired me to always stand up for myself and take the road less traveled even when it seemed impassable. She was married to Opa for 40 years and taught me to value that commitment. Grandma was a therapist for many years and even in her passing, gave hope and a new start to many families.

The day of her funeral, while we mourned, you could not help but smile and feel a warmth as people spoke of her. Her dreams, her achievements, her friendships. Her passing was sudden and shocking, but through her commitment to others, families that holiday season were given a second chance at life. That would have made grandma so very proud.

I hope as you grow, you learn what a remarkable woman she was and the lives she touched each day.

