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Allen J. Zenker

Allen was an 8 year lung cancer survivor, but, in chronic pain from his 1999 thoracic surgery that saved his life, but, cracked several ribs trapping nerves. On Halloween 2007, the pathology report revealed a re-occurrence of lung cancer at stage 4: terminal. This cancer was very aggressive and time condensed from the projected 2 years, to 2 months, to 2 weeks, to 2 days within the span of 31 days as he went in and out of the hospital three different times and home twice. Allen’s wisdom and forethought to make his own request to donate his corneas, tissues, and organs in his Final Arrangement document became the beacon of light for me at a very dark time in our lives. The news from the hospital that no donation was possible troubled me. Fortunately, Dr. Jay Steinberg, listened to my question about Allen’s corneas. He called the Gift of Life organization to find out the answer. When he told us that Allen’s corneas were suitable for transplantation, we cried tears of joy instead of sorrow. We were both happy that Allen’s beautiful blue eyes could help others to see again. Allen had a keen photographer’s eye and unique perception of the world. Now, I know that 2 men in N.J. who suffered chronic eye pain for many years are now pain-free and can see their loved ones, as well as, the wonders of the world again because of Allen’s generous donation.

Allen and I were married for 25 years. As his widow, I want to thank the Gift of Life for the bereavement literature and their comforting letters of gratitude. I will write down my requests, as Allen did, so that the loved ones that I leave behind will remember that I want to be an organ, tissue, and cornea donor also. I don’t need to take them to heaven with me either.

Mrs. Leah R. Zenker

The fabric:

Camera body- brown leather pockets from his sweater

Camera and lens- gray sweatshirt (trip to Paris, France)

Iris- blue jeans (blue was the color of his eyes)

Allen was proud of his Jewish heritage. These are all symbols that remind me of my beloved husband.

Allen loved cats, so a red-tiger is in the viewfinder. Allen’s photo is not on his quilt because he was always behind the camera not in the picture.