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David Mitchell Tweed

March 15, 1968-May 12, 2007

(Son and Brother)


Mickey was nicknamed after the famous New York Yankee baseball player, “Mickey Mantle.” Mickey loved sports and played baseball until he was about 16 or 17 and then he started having problems with catching the ball and releasing it. We found out he had mytonic muscular dystrophy which as years went by affected all his body. His other interests were bowling, basketball, track, bocce ball, soccer. But his favorite pastime was his love for music.

Mickey accepted Jesus as his saviour when he was about 11. Mickey was a wonderful son and brother. He was so loving and easy going. He attended an activity center and played in Special Olympics where he won about 125 gold, silver, and bronze medals, maybe more. Before medals there were ribbons and he won many of those also. Mickey was handsome, clean, and very particular about himself and his belongings. His room was always very neat and clean.

Everyone would call him Tweedy Bird because of his name being Tweed. He liked that and started collecting Tweetie Birds. That is the reason for Tweetie on his quilt piece. Mickey also loved Christmas and opening presents at Christmas and especially on his birthday. Mickey has a large collection of Santa’s. Every year he would get a new Santa to add to his collection. Although he is in heaven, I still buy some presents for him and place them on his grave. He likes that, I am sure. We miss Mickey but he made so many good memories with his sisters, Sharon, Patty, Nancy, and myself and all the family that we remember him every day. If you knew Mickey you would know why you could never forget him. He made a lasting memory in everyone’s life. Mickey, Mommy loves you as much as I ever did. Hugs and kisses for you Honey. XXXXXOOOOO Forever.

Our letters to Mickey on your birthday, 3-15-2008

From Mommy, Sharon, Patty and Nancy

Dear Mickey,

Through all the years we shared lots of joy

Made memories along the way

One night in our church to the preacher you said

I want to accept Jesus today

Down the aisle to the altar you went

The preacher was by your side

And quietly you bowed down on your knees

And surrendered your life to God

The tears were falling down our face

Like rain on a stormy night

But we had many sunny days

And beautiful moonlight nights

But what neither one of us knew that day

Is you would have many battles to fight

We took each day, one day at a time

We visited our family and friends

We would hop in the car, our bags all packed

Hoping our vacation wouldn’t come to an end

But like all good things given from God.

We would soon surely find out that’s not true

A vacation is just time away from home

God had given to me and you

I never thought I would see the day

Or live through all this hurt and pain